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Sofa feet, plastic feet, sand MATS, plastic sand feet, sand feet
2017-11-17 9:16:04
Sofa feet, plastic feet, sand MATS, plastic sand feet, sand feet
Sofa cushions, with a giant sand MATS under the soles of the feet, as the name implies is mainly to use bearing sofa body, prevent slippery, protect the effect such as ground, we now on the spot, black is given priority to, main material: PE, specifications have 30 ¢33 ¢51 ¢61 ¢points have nail and do not bring with two kinds of of all kinds, variety complete, quality excellent, welcome to choose and buy. Order hotline: 18925970012 contact: zhang sheng QQ: 1719105056 mailbox: fsjingri@163.com
Source: jingsun sofa foot products co., LTD.

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